Tuesday, August 28, 2007

The Bible in general

The Christian bible is just one of around thirty books that all claim to derive from divine origins. It is impossible for them all to be right. So where did the bible come from? The simple answer is it was written by man, in the name of God; which is completely different to being written by God. The modern Christian Bible consists of sixty-six books that were declared canonical or holy by a council of men who allegedly found these writings to be more holy than the other 200 or so Jewish/Christian texts they had to choose from. The bible has been through many different “editing” since it was first declared divine in around the fourth century A.D. The current revision of the bible is around 350 years old as The book of Revelation was not included until1672 by the council of Jerusalem. We could argue why was revelation not classed of divine origin until then, or how many other worthy texts have been ignored on the same principles. Sadly this argument could last forever and a day as the people who made those definitions are not here to defend their decisions. There is no proof anywhere that any part of the bible was actually written by God and handed to man, whereas there is reams of evidence that support that the bible was written by man as an attempt to explain things which were then unknown.


Anonymous said...

You are a sick man and we will pray for your soul.

Mad Ade said...

I doubt it will do any good, but thanks anyway.