Tuesday, August 28, 2007

About me

About me (isn’t that what blogs are all about really?) and my reason for this blog.

My name is Ade and I am approaching forty much faster than I care to admit. I have started this blog not as a rant against religion or peoples beliefs but more of an explanation of why I personally choose not to believe or follow and particular religion. I suppose I am more an Agnostic than an Atheist, but most people that I talk to assume that I am an atheist and think this because they misinterpret what I say. They think I am an atheist because I refuse to believe in anything remotely religious, which in part is true but not absolute. I believe in what can be proved and I try to retain an open mind on things that can’t be proved. I object to the mindless following of dogma and teaching that expect us to act and respond in a certain way because it is what we are told to do, rather than knowing the reason why we are reacting in such a manner.
I believe night follows day because the world rotates and that science has proven it to be so. I believe we are what we are because nature and nurture shape us and as we mature free will completes what we are to become. Social and economics restraints may hold us back or urge us forward but what we become inside is based on how we see ourselves with in the whole fabric of existence.

The purpose of this blog is not to debunk or ridicule religion but give the reasons why I personally choose not to believe in religion.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hewwo Ade. I Wike Youw Bwog.