Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Bible versus the Koran.

This section is to highlight sections of both the Bible and Koran that speak of the same subject, but not only contradict each other, but themselves as well.
I was going to do one big list, but the more i read the bible and the Koran the longer and longer my list got, and this post would have beeen twice as long as the books themselves. So i have decided to make this a reaccuring section that I will post time to time, concentrating on a different area each time.


The Bible has literally loads of Contradiction regarding the creation of everything.
In Gen 1:3-5 it claims that God created light on the first day and then went on to separate light and darkness.
In Gen 1:14-19 is says that the source of the light, the sun, wasn’t created until the fourth day.

Gen 1:11-12 states that trees where created before man.
Gen 2:4-9 states the opposite.

Gen 1:26-27 states that Male and Female (Adam and Eve) were created at the same time.
Gen 2:7 and Gen 2:21-22 states that the Female was formed much later.

The Koran has its own confusion over creation

Koran 7:54, 10:3, 11:7, 25:29 all state that Allah created the world in six days
Koran 41:9 states that the earth was created in just two days.

Koran 39:73, 41:30, 57:21, 79:41 all refer the there being only one Garden of paradise.
Koran 18:31, 22:23, 35:33, 78:32 all state there are several Gardens of Paradise.

Koran 2:29 tells that after creating Earth, God then created the heavens
Koran 79:27-30 has it the other way around.

Koran 96:2 states that man was made from a clot of blood.
Koran 21:30 and Koran 25:54 both state that man was made from water.
Koran 15:26 says man was made from Clay
Koran 3:59 and Koran 30:20 both state that Allah created man from dust
Koran 16:4 has man being created from a drop of sperm.

To be continued

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