Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Adam and Eve

The Bible, or at least the people who hide behind it, tells us lots of things that are contradictory.
On one hand we are told that the account of the creation according to Genesis is how the world and universe was formed is the true way it happened, as is Gods word.
Yet these same people, when faced with some startlingly obvious errors with in the books text claim that parts should not be taken literally, but as metaphors or parables, so any “mistakes” are not really mistakes but gaps in interpretation!
How convenient.
So basically the Bible is the literal word of God, which is also a collection of metaphors, parables, analogies and selected allegories which the reader is free to interpret to there comfort.
You should always distrust those people who appear to know so well what God or the bible wants or tells them to do, because you will always become aware that it coincides exactly with their own desires.
Strange that really when you think about it!

The First Man

God created Adam in his own image, or so it is told, from dust and stuff he found laying around or if the Koran is to be the correct source of information then Allah made Adam “He has created man from a sperm-drop...”KORAN 16:4

Either way he was created in some ones image. Now my problem with this was did Adam have genitals, or more precisely, the reproductive part of his genitals, eg: his Testicles.
If so, why?
At this time, females had not been created or even considered so the need for reproductive organ were unnecessary, unless God had them and if so, why did God need them when he can create life with an apparent flick of his wrist? (no pun intended especially if the Korans version is correct)

God did not create a woman until Adam claimed he was lonely. To create a woman God needed to perform a little surgery on Adam and remove a rib from which he then created a woman. Now this could tally with the Korans version of how humans are created as it claims that humans are made from clots of blood mixed with sperm.
(Koran 23:14)
Then WE made the sperm into a clot of congealed
blood; then of that clot We made a lump;
then We made out of that lump bones and clothed the
bones with flesh

So Eve had to be made from one of Adams ribs, not dust like Adam and presumably he gave her reproductive organs that would accommodated those of Adams, despite the fact until that moment Adam had no need or use for them.

As they say where I come from “Sounds like bollocks to me”

The Forbidden fruit

It is understood that the “Apple” is symbolic, and not the actual fruit, but for reasons of ease I will use “Apple” when referring to the Fruit of the tree of knowledge.

Adam and Eve were innocent, they did not know the difference between right and wrong or good or Evil. God created them, put them in a lush Garden full of wonderful flora and fauna, yet did not give them the knowledge to know what was right or wrong. Adam could have quite easily vented his desires upon the various forms of livestock with in the garden and would not know it was wrong, and as a result, God would have to look on and either say nothing, or give Adam the knowledge or right and wrong.
Instead he Gave then a tree full of apples and said “Don’t eat the apples, it is wrong” and then left, where as Adam would have looked at Eve and said
“What does wrong mean?”
Where Eve could have replied “I don’t know, but it may be fun!”
So basically in essence God set Adam and Eve up for a fall. He knew they did not know the difference between right and wrong and thus any actions they took should not have been punishable as their innocents would not allow them to know what they were doing was erroneous.
Once they tried the Apple and discovered knowledge God got angry and punished them. This to me is like not telling a child that taking with out asking is wrong and merits a punishment and then punishing the child because they have done exactly what you knew they do because they did not know any difference.

For Adam and Eve it was a situation where they could not win. If they did not eat the apple, then God could have punished them if they decided to murder all the animals for fun, even though they would not know it was wrong, but by eating the apple, they learnt what was right or wrong, thus avoiding angering God by doing things that he would deem punishable.
They were damned if the did and damned if they didn’t.


Anonymous said...

Adam and Eve are in hell. There's no doubt about it. Both people are guilty of crimes against humanity. What Adam and Eve did in the Garden of Eden is more evil, more sick, and more disgusting than anything that any other human being has ever done. The crime committed in the Garden of Eden is worse than the crimes of Pearl Harbor, Auschwitz, Treblinka, and September 11th combined. The crimes that Adolph Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Benito Mussolini, and Osama bin Laden are guilty of are nothing compared to what Adam and Eve are guilty of. Every World War, every hurricane, every tornado, every earthquake, and every wrong thing, has occurred because of the fall of man which came when Adam ate the forbidden fruit. Adam is the most evil human being who has ever existed. God damn that useless moron.

Mike Coscia said...

Nice blog and remember God is just an imaginary friend for grownups.